It’s All About Perspective
Do you look at the glass half empty or half full?
Are you one of those people who, when someone asks, “how are you?” starts ticking off a long list of complaints?
Or, are you someone who focuses on the positives?
Even if you’re a glass half full kind of person, I’m sure you could name at least one individual in your life who focuses on all of the negatives.
So many people allow the trials in their lives to dictate their outlook. But what they don’t realize is that your attitude about each day is completely up to you and no one else. You call the shots. You choose the words you think and speak.
Proverbs 15:1 is a great verse to consider here, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, But a harsh word stirs up anger.” It points out the significant power that words have on our lives, as well as the power we have in our reactions to others’ words.
Words hold so much power.
They can heal, soothe, and encourage. Or they can hurt, destroy, and tear down.
Ephesians 4:23 says, “let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes.” Keep God in your thoughts, always. Allow his love to shine through in the words you say and the ones you keep to yourself.
When you find yourself feeling negative, stop and consider your perspective. Are you thinking about the situation from a negative point of view? How can you turn it into a positive? What is God trying to teach you in this moment? How can you use this trial to grow as a Christian?
It’s all about perspective.
You can focus on the negatives. Or, you can focus on all of the gifts He has given you.
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