What to Remember When You Face Difficult Times

All of us face challenges in our lives.
Whether it’s a health diagnosis that has you scared, a loved one struggling who you’re worried about, or a boss who doesn’t appreciate you, it’s easy to look at the difficulties and feel discouraged and frustrated. Some might even lose faith as a result.
But it’s in those challenging times that it’s more important than ever that we remember - God is with us.
It’s the determination that you’re going to see God’s blessings in any situation that will help get you through difficult times. And through steadfast faith and gratitude, you set yourself up for even bigger blessings down the road.
Setbacks are often set ups for God to bring more blessings into your life.
When you feel like your contributions at work aren’t valued enough, keep the faith that the time is coming when you’re going to noticed by the right people. Just like Joseph in the Old Testament, when the right people see your talents, you’ll be set up for great things and even greater blessings.
When problems come up, and begin to overwhelm you, remember the three servants, in the Old Testament, that were tossed into the ferociously burning furnace because they wouldn't deny their faith. When the King looked in the furnace, he saw the servants hadn't burned and then he saw a fourth person in the fire with the servants - that was God! (Daniel 3:25). This is God's way of telling us - He is right with us in the most difficult times. So, never lose faith, He will always be with you.
Because you have God’s blessing, doors will open for you, opportunities are going to come your way, and blessings are going to be bestowed upon you.
Because you have God’s blessing, you can see setbacks for what they really are: bumps in the road that has blessings around every turn.
The road of life is paved with setbacks, but remember that challenges are reminders of God’s blessings each step along the way.
Keep The Faith,
Robert Krantz
Director, Writer, Producer and Actor