Jesus Chose to Talk About Humility.

Who is the humblest person you know?
I have known some genuinely humble people in my life.
However, one day, I was writing a book (Guide to Holy Week) and I came across something that redefined humility to me.
In this particular chapter, I was writing about Jesus and his disciples, at the last supper.
As an adult and a parent, I looked at this moment differently than when I was younger.
I kept thinking of the absolute anguish Jesus must have been in, knowing that this was the last time he would be with his disciples. He had built such a bond with them. Day in and day out, they had been through so much with him. How painful it must have been for him to say goodbye to those he loved so much.
On top of that, Jesus knew the horrible, painful death he was going to suffer through.
In fact, all of this was so great that he asked God if this cup could be passed from him. Matthew 26:39
What is more amazing to me is Jesus acknowledged his anguish, in private, to God, but when he was with his disciples, in those last hours, he kept teaching them and guiding them.
In fact, one of his greatest admonitions came at this moment, when he told the disciples to “Do this (communion) in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19
However, it was something that happened after that moment that really caught my eye…
Jesus took off his outer garment and insisted to his disciples that he wash their feet. John 13:1-17
Think about this; Jesus knew these were his last moments with his disciples and he chose to remind them about the importance of humility.
If you’ve ever been around someone who is nearing the end of their life, you know that only the most essential and important things are said.
Jesus chose to talk about humility.
As I wrote about these last moments Jesus had with his disciples, wherein he washed all their feet, I found it so poignant. A moment later, I realized something, and it touched me so much, I put my pen down and got choked up…
Jesus washed Judas’ feet.
Jesus new Judas was about to betray him (John 13:26), yet he actually washed Judas’ feet.
As I sat there staring at my screen, I could not believe it. Jesus easily could have waited a few moments, until Judas left, and then turned to his disciples to wash their feet.
But, he didn’t.
He washed Judas’ feet, knowing Judas’ was about to betray him.
Can you imagine the humility that takes to do that?
This redefined humility to me.
I believe there is a love, a kindness, and a humility that Jesus has that is beyond anything we’ve ever encountered.
I think it’s worth trying to emulate.
Keep the faith,
P.S. By the way, as a thank you to you and everyone who has been following along, as we made my new movie, A Marriage Made in Heaven, I will be sending you a sneak peek at the poster of the movie next week! I think you will like it.