The Saints: Series Four. Orthodox priests and iconographers discuss the life and significance of these incredible Saints.
- Learn why St. Catherine is called "The renowned Bride of Christ"; how this 18 year old girl defeated the most feared Emperor of her time; what happened when St. Catherine debated 150 of the greatest philosophers of her time; why St. Catherine is known as the Saint of education; and more!
- Learn why St. Basil is called "The One Who Opened the Heavens For Us"; how St. Basil almost singlehandedly defended the Orthodox faith during early Christianity; what St. Basil did to originate the monastery system that still exists today; why St. Basil is considered one of the greatest theologians that ever lived!
- Learn how Christ picked St. Peter to become one of his disciples; what St. Peter (who was married and had children) gave up to follow Jesus; why Christ changed St. Peter's name from Simon to Peter; what disagreement did St. Peter have with St. Paul and how they resolved it; and more!
- Learn why St. Constantine is called the Emperor who free Christianity; what vision did St. Constantine have that changed the world; what Dramatic event happened at St. Constantine's death bed; how St. Constantine rose from being an illegitimate child to ruler of an entire empire; and more!
Runtime: 120 Minutes