An animated version of our 10 classic Christmas songs! The songs include Rudolph to Elefaki, O Elato (O Christmas Tree), Ayia Nyhta (Silent Night), Kalanda Protochronias (New Year’s Song), Trigona Kalanta (Jingle Bells), Pie o palios o hronos (There Goes the Old Year), Hristougenna lefka (White Christmas), O Micros Teembanistas (Little Drummer Boy), Sti vithlehem (Little Town of Bethlehem), Kalanda Christouyennon (Christmas Song).
What a great way to learn Greek while enjoying the sounds of the season. And to make it easier for you or your loved one to learn the language, each song can be played with the Greek, Phonetic or English translations on screen. You choose! What a wonderful way to share the holidays in person or as a gift to a loved one.
What a great way to learn Greek while enjoying the sounds of the season. And to make it easier for you or your loved one to learn the language, each song can be played with the Greek, Phonetic or English translations on screen. You choose! What a wonderful way to share the holidays in person or as a gift to a loved one.